Saturday, September 12, 2009

Okay. So topics of the week didn't really work. And that's my fault. Because life has been crazy, I just haven't gotten to update as often as I would have liked. I feel once I have an actual wedding to plan (maybe I should say if .... that's another story for another day) then I'll feel like there are more things worthy of my updating! Anyway, without further ado:
Invitation mini-books.
I came about these wonders thanks to Miss Lightning (now Mrs. eep!) on Weddingbee. And I was telling some people how cool I thought they were and how I could probably replicate this idea with things I have in my ever-expanding craft bin.
These little wonders are made by Elise Blaha: enJOY it! and I think would be a great idea to replicate in some way for invitations. Afterall, who said all of your invitations have to look EXACTLY. THE. SAME? I guess it depends how big of a party you're planning. But I have a feeling I could pull this off for either the wedding or maybe the rehearsal dinner (or something smaller).

Don't you just love the pretty little stars? These would look so cute for an invitation!

You can even switch up the orientation and use different things to bind them with!

I don't know about you - but I'm bound and determined to do something similar for my invites!

Are you doing anything besides envelopes with all the goodies inside? If so, what made you decide to do it? If not, what made you decide to stick with envelopes, card invites, reply card with envelope, etc?


  1. ::Hug:: keep the faith, sister.

    And I love these invites! How fun!

  2. Those are awesome...I can't believe detailed they are.
