Monday, August 10, 2009


As a young girl, I saw myself wearing a beautiful veil and revealing myself at the altar to my groom who couldn't believe how beautiful I was.


Not so much. I'm not so sure I want to go the "veil" look.

So, to start off this weeks topic - I'm including some history.

And let me tell ya - it's a muddled one.

Either way, one thing everyone seems to agree on is that the veil began as a symbolization of her submission to her husband.

On that note, I'll pass.

The veils apparently weren't always white either with different colors in different traditions - thus began the father of the bride "giving the bride away" tradition. Because, uh, she couldn't see.

I'd like to have full vision when I'm walking down the aisle, thanks!

And of course, we can't forget the symbolism of virginity, innocence, and modesty.

And lace veils? Began in America! Huh. Neat.

And there's several types of veils:
Blusher, Flyaway, Fingertip, Elbow length, Cathedral, Birdcage, etc ....

Are you wearing a veil? What kind? What made you decide to wear one?

1 comment:

  1. i tried on a veil once while veil shopping with my bestie for her wedding and i nearly hyperventalited in that thing. that turned me off real quick. that's when i discovered the joy of mantilla veils. i still get the veil but not in my face, which i apparently don't like.

    but since the boy and i plan on having two ceremonies and he's a bit of a tradtionalist, i figured i could deal with a very simple drop veil. one layer with no embellishments. i find those to be romantic. that way he can have that "lifting of the veil" moment. and i don't have to deal with layers of tulle in my face. blech.
