Monday, August 31, 2009

Over the weekend I was perusing the wedding program my mom had.

The program was nice but it was like so many others I had seen - it had a religious/marriage image on the front, opened up to a list of the wedding party, the ceremony's events, and had a brief message on the back. Short, sweet, simple, but just lacking something to me.

We started talking about all of the different ways you can make wedding programs and I told my mom how I've seen several fan programs across the boards. I really love the fans for an outdoor wedding (which I'm determined we will have).

I love these:





I really like the idea of making a program useful ... but are they even necessary in the first place? I've seen some great programs that aren't fans, too - those will be coming later, don't fret!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Remember when I couldn't make up my mind on veils? And how I basically dismissed birdcage because they're just so so trendy? Well, I kept thinking that way until I saw Inglourious Basterds this weekend and one of the main characters pulled down her lovely little veil:


I think I may just be converted. A cute little pillbox hat and a birdcage veil? Perfect!

What do you guys think?

Monday, August 24, 2009

So, my mom just photographed a wedding this weekend for a dear Family friend I call Aunt Shelly and her new hubby, Don. The wedding was great - exactly what a wedding should be. It was clear that it was about the 2 people in love and that was all it was. They're in love, want everyone to see it, and are proclaiming it to everyone they know.

Here's 2 (unedited) preview pics:

Friday, August 14, 2009

I could always do a hair flower in lieu of a veil.
They're pretty too. And I guess it would be wise to do anything but a real flower because I don't want a wilty-flower-head.
I like these:



I love that they come in pins and hairbands and in fabric, clay, and feather form. They're all so fun. Since I want my hair down for my ceremony - I think a flower might just be perfect!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

So. Birdcage veils. I like them. I do. But I feel like they've become uber-trendy. And I'm not so positive they're me. They're pretty, really. I'm just not sure how I feel about them.

This version's cute - I like it just at the end of the nose - it's a nice look. And this girl looks gorgeous in it!

This is one I'm not a big fan of. I just don't like the idea of a birdcage veil covering the whole face. It looks pretty and all - but I think I would feel stifled.

Cute. If I were to go birdcage veil, I would probably do something like this.

I like this one too, especially that it's in black. It's fun.

So what do you think - is the birdcage veil suddenly overly trendy? What would be your concerns with them?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Okay ... so I'm not so sure on this veil thing. I'm pretty sure I don't like the cathedral, chapel, or ankle length. I just envision my clumsy self tripping allllll over a veil that length.


Pretty. Pretty pretty pretty. This makes me love the veil idea. And the bride looked so pretty when she took it off for the reception, as well. (seriously - just look at the pictures!) This type of veil I think I could handle ... it gives that "bridal" feel without well, the lifting symbolism of male dominance (sidenote-if the woman lifts it herself it's supposed to show independence!)

I'm honestly not a fan of this one - and here's why - it just kind of lays there ... lifeless ... I honestly don't feel like it does anything for me.

This wedding looks fun, to start with, and I really like the look of this veil! It's fun, flowy, has life, and makes a casual outfit look bridal here!

It could just be that I love this photo. And the others from this wedding. But this veil is nice. It seems that more and more brides are going for the veil just to start and stay in the back ... I'm kind of a fan of this idea!

{thanks for the last 3 pics}

Monday, August 10, 2009


As a young girl, I saw myself wearing a beautiful veil and revealing myself at the altar to my groom who couldn't believe how beautiful I was.


Not so much. I'm not so sure I want to go the "veil" look.

So, to start off this weeks topic - I'm including some history.

And let me tell ya - it's a muddled one.

Either way, one thing everyone seems to agree on is that the veil began as a symbolization of her submission to her husband.

On that note, I'll pass.

The veils apparently weren't always white either with different colors in different traditions - thus began the father of the bride "giving the bride away" tradition. Because, uh, she couldn't see.

I'd like to have full vision when I'm walking down the aisle, thanks!

And of course, we can't forget the symbolism of virginity, innocence, and modesty.

And lace veils? Began in America! Huh. Neat.

And there's several types of veils:
Blusher, Flyaway, Fingertip, Elbow length, Cathedral, Birdcage, etc ....

Are you wearing a veil? What kind? What made you decide to wear one?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

And resume.

I'll resume my normal posting. Sort of.

Last weekend, a family friend of ours got married. Which is great. I didn't go to the wedding, but my mom and stepdad did and had a great time. All my mom could do was talk about how beautiful it was afterward. Last night we looked at the pictures online (they were up already! what what?) and to be honest, I wasn't overly impressed. They paid $4000 for a photographer that I think took mediocre pictures.
That scares me.
Because to me, that's one of the most important parts of your wedding. If there's anything I'd splurge on, it'd be the photographer. And I want great pictures.

Then I remembered why we were looking at the pictures to begin with. Not just to see this friend getting married and all the details my mother talked about, but because another family friend is getting married in a few weeks (in a cute fun and small ceremony with a reception of people in shorts and t-shirts, fun!) and they asked my mom to take pictures for it. And she's getting nervous. Honestly, I think they'll love the pictures regardless - because my mother does have a good eye. But she's NOT a photographer. She has a point-and-shoot digital camera and it makes me nervous for her.

I know she has some great ideas, but I'm not sure she has the technical experience to pull it off. I showed her some pictures that were cool online and started her looking at some photog's blogs ... but I'm still not sure if she'll be able to see her vision through and I don't want her feelings to be hurt or her to be upset with herself or something like that ...

Any advice?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I know I've been slacking
But life's been crazy.
I can only post so many posts about my dream wedding when it's so far away (though Loverboy thinks we'll be married by this time next year). I'm sorry, but I just don't see us getting engaged, planning a wedding we're happy with and won't put us in debt over our heads, and taking care of life's other things in that time. It's just not happening.

And life has thrown me all over the place in the past year to convince me that's probably true.
No, my life isn't the worst life that's ever happened to somebody. But the past year has been hard.
Saturday will mark my one year to the day that I went to rehab for a drug addiction and broke up with my boyfriend that at that point I was dating a year and a half. That's crazy.
28 days later will mark the day I got out of rehab and moved into a recovery house. And that boyfriend and I started hanging out once-in-a-while again.
Then a few weeks later I sprung the recovery house. Lived on people's couches for a while and didn't have a job.
Then, I moved into my mother's. I got a great job that fits me well even if it isn't what I want to do for the rest of my life. I started paying all the debts off I drove up.
That boy and I half-dated but had an open relationship (which was an awful idea because I wasn't comfortable with it to begin with) and then I met Loverboy.

Yes, I met Loverboy during that open relationship phase. And I knew right away that I liked him more than I had ever liked anybody else.
I knew from the moment we locked eyes and he sat down next to me and told me I was pretty that I had to have him.
But our relationship has not been easy to say the least. We've had a mess. Soon after we started dating I found out I was pregnant. And guess what? It defniitely wasn't his kid ... so that was fun. I didn't carry the baby to term and that was hard but probably for the best and definitely what I was fated for.
And my car was totaled when we were driving back from a concert. So I've been without a car for a while now.

Like I said, not easy.

But Loverboy's stuck with me through it all. Seriously. And he's absolutely incredible for it. Seriously. I couldn't ask for anyone better.
We live an hour apart. So the time we get to see each-other isn't much. Especially since I found him a job and I work some weekends when he works M-F. Neither of us live alone so there's no sleepovers (or, well, very few) and it's stressful sometimes.

Enter his family's plans for this weekend. They are going on vacation. And they told Loverboy about it too late for me to join (and although his family likes me, I'm not so sure they really would be overjoyed for me to join them to be honest though he said I was welcome to come). He got off work and will be going. We thought they were leaving Saturday during the day.
But apparently they're leaving tomorrow evening.
I haven't hung out with him since Wednesday.
That means we won't see eachother for an ENTIRE week.

And when I realized that, I had to run to the bathroom and cry.
I mean, really sob. I had to stop myself from gettin sick.
It's the longest we've ever been apart.
When I told him how pathetic and emotional I was that I had to cry, he told me that he had told his parents last night when they unloaded this news on him that it was the last vacation he was going on without me. (yay!) He also told me he'd come see me tonight after his class. I can't wait. I just want to wrap my arms around him.
And possibly cry into his shoulder. I figure it will be the most bitter-sweet night we've had yet.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Last night, after watching several hours of Freaks and Geeks, Loverboy and I had a tiff. We've never really fought (I'm still waiting for the big, tumultuous, awful fight that puts at odds for a few days or something) but every so often we get, I dunno, off and just argue a bit. I think this is natural. This weekend was kind of an off weekend.
And last night, it was my turn to get upset something. And when I failed to find the words for being upset, Loverboy got upset.
Then he reminded me why I love him so very much.
I started crying.
I unleashed a few more things I haven't been able to express. None of these things really about Loverboy, mind you, just my insecurities.
I broke down.
And he kissed me.
He held my hand.
And he told me we were going for a ride.
It was the most fabulous cigarette ride I've gone on.
That boy, well, he just calms me down.
He just gets me.
And I can't imagine a moment like that with ANYone else.
