Saturday, October 10, 2009

Oooo lala!

Etsy's emails make me unendingly happy. Like, I look forward to them every day when they show up in my inbox (which is why they come to my work email - I get the little outlink pop-up letting me know Etsy has sent me more delights!

And usually when the email arrives my brain goes directly to wedding. Like, skips any other practical use (birthdays, Christmas, everyday fun) and goes right to wedding. Doesn't pass go and doesn't collect it's $200. What a shame, too. I could use that money.

I would love it if Loverboy bought me this necklace as a wedding day gift. I woud wear this with my dress - it looks so simple and pretty on a neck. And it would be almost like our little secret! How sweet and tear-inducing would that be? Too bad they're sold out as so many things often end up being one the Etsy email goes out ...


Eep! This is so cute! I'd wear this all the time. And it comes in a key chain, too (of course, both the necklace and keychain are currently sold out). Wouldn't it be cool to send the keychains and necklaces out as save-the-dates? I would, of course, if my budget didn't exist. I'm pretty sure you can't include something this cool for save the dates (which I'm not sold on anyway) for a $5000 wedding with approximately 200 people.

What Etsy finds make your heart pound? Do you ever see something and have your brain go right to wedding? Married ladies - what did hubby gift you on the day? What did you gift him?


  1. That calendar would be perfect for save-the-dates! Very expensive though, even for a small wedding :)

  2. i liiiiiiiiive for those Etsy emails! I've bought so many great cost effective (ugh, i hate those words) things on there for the wedding! I love love love that calendar necklace. I bought Josh some old typewriter cuff links on Etsy with his initials, since we both have tattoos (a J. on my wrist, Layla on his inside bicep) in typewriter font.
