Friday, October 2, 2009


Neither Loverboy or myself are big cake eaters. Don't get me wrong - I love a good corner piece once in a while, I've determined I like red velvet with white buttercream icing the best, and I can't turn down a Carvel Icecream Cake (the DQ ones aren't too bad either). But I just don't love cake the way I know tons of other people do.

This left us deciding that maybe our wedding would be better sans-cake. But I just can't imagine a wedding without cake ... and while cupcakes look cute I feel like every member of my family has done them recently.

And I came across these cakes at Cake Nouveau:

It's hard to deny how pretty this cake is - and the off-set tiers and square design are just right. It's elegant - but not over-weddingy. It jumps out to me as a "wedding cake" all the same. And makes me swoon for something so unique.
Maybe I'm biased because I love the Great Gatsby. But this cake rocks! Everything's a little crooked ... and the addition of the color is subtle making it still evoke "normal" visions of a wedding cake. I'm pretty sure somethign like this is a top contender.
Okay, maybe take away the warning signs ... possibly tone down the colors ... but a triangle cake!??!?! What what?
I'm pretty sure - judging by the topper - that this was indeed a wedding cake once. And an edible topper seems like a really good idea ... because, lets face it, I'll never use the darn topper ever again anyway. I love the construction of this cake and the fact that it's only two tiers but still so unique and fun makes my heart beat extra hard.
I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Tim Burton - I'm not so sure I'd do this for our wedding - but I would love to be at a wedding with this (channeling any October brides...).
The title says it all: Till Death Do Us Part. However, I'm not so sure family would approve of Loverboy and I having this cake. And I've never been into skulls myself ... but again - I would LOVE a wedding with this cake ... or something like it.
This cake just makes me happy. The tiers are sooooo cool! From the keyboard in the middle - to the funky horn-like tier up top - it's hard to say no to a cake like this. And I love music ... and so does loverboy. But it may be a little much for our wedding.

Like what you see? Head on over to Cake Nouveau where there are TONS more! They're so fresh and fun - I bet you'll find inspiration! Are you having a wedding cake? If so, what does it look like? If not, what are you having instead?


  1. ooh, those look lovely! i like that jazz it up one. the shape is so unique! i plan on having cupcakes because i can't say no to cake, well, unless it's carrot. i'd rather not.

  2. I love the lopsided ones. Just so unique! And I have a soft spot for the Time Burton-esque ones too. So fun.
