Thursday, August 13, 2009

So. Birdcage veils. I like them. I do. But I feel like they've become uber-trendy. And I'm not so positive they're me. They're pretty, really. I'm just not sure how I feel about them.

This version's cute - I like it just at the end of the nose - it's a nice look. And this girl looks gorgeous in it!

This is one I'm not a big fan of. I just don't like the idea of a birdcage veil covering the whole face. It looks pretty and all - but I think I would feel stifled.

Cute. If I were to go birdcage veil, I would probably do something like this.

I like this one too, especially that it's in black. It's fun.

So what do you think - is the birdcage veil suddenly overly trendy? What would be your concerns with them?


  1. i don't know if they're overly trendy but i know they're now my thing. i would be bothered by the netting constantly in my face.

  2. I did a double flower with feathers in my hair. I thought it would look too formal if I went with a veil and I had tons of compliments. I'll have to look for the website of where I bought it. I think it was around 50-60 dollars with shipping. Pretty reasonable compared with the $150 ones I was seeing in the bridal shops.

  3. They're definitely trendy but I think if you love them and find one you like, go for it! If you're DIY-talented, it might also be a great side project.

  4. You know something is trendy when they start selling it at David's Bridal. But I think it's still a new trend and not overdone just yet.
